
Empowering Women for a Sustainable Future

Today, the "Adding Value to Women and Society Symposium" was held in collaboration with Beyarmudu Municipality, the Center for Social Research and Development, and Near East University. Various topics were discussed by speakers, emphasizing the importance of empowering women for social and eco

Kıbrıs - 10 ay önce

Empowering Women for a Sustainable Future

Beyarmudu Municipality, in collaboration with the Center for Social Research and Development and Near East University, organized the "Adding Value to Women and Society Symposium" today. According to a written statement from Beyarmudu Municipality, Associate Professor Dr. Mutlu Soykurt and Professor Dr. Gökmen Dağlı gave presentations on "Empowering Women in Society" and "Gender Equality in Sustainable Development and Elimination of Inequalities," respectively, at the symposium held at Beyarmudu Municipality South Mesaoria Facilities.

In his speech at the symposium, Beyarmudu Mayor Bülent Bebek emphasized that the construction of a more livable world will be achieved through the efforts of women. He highlighted the importance of women having access to more opportunities in fields such as education, work, health, and agriculture, as well as securing leadership positions and actively participating in sustainable development for both social and economic progress. The empowerment of women plays a key role in increasing productivity in trade, economic growth, social cohesion, and social justice.

The program concluded with workshops and presentations, highlighting the vital role of women in shaping human history and the future.

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