
Identified Victims of Fire in Istanbul Beşiktaş Entertainment Center

The identities of the victims who lost their lives in a fire at an entertainment center undergoing renovation beneath a 16-story building in Istanbul Beşiktaş have been determined.

Gündem - 10 ay önce

Victims Identified After Fire in Istanbul Beşiktaş

In Istanbul Beşiktaş, the identities of the victims who lost their lives in a fire at an entertainment center undergoing renovation beneath a 16-story building have been determined. The bodies of those who died in the fire during renovation at the entertainment center on Gayrettepe Yıldız Posta Caddesi Gönenoğlu Sokağı's minus 1st and minus 2nd floors were sent to the Forensic Medicine Institute.

Following autopsy procedures, the identities of the deceased in the fire were identified. Except for one person whose identity was not found and determined to be of foreign nationality, the names of the victims of the fire were as follows: (list of names).

Many of the procedures were completed and the bodies were handed over to their families, while some families are still waiting outside the Forensic Medicine Institute. In Beşiktaş, a total of 29 people lost their lives in the fire that broke out during renovations at the entertainment center on the minus 1st and minus 2nd floors of a 16-story building, with one person injured. An administrative investigation was launched into the fire, with 2 civil inspectors assigned to the case. Eight suspects, including the business manager and partners of the establishment, were detained in connection with the incident.

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