
KTAMS Stenographers' Strike Enters Seventh Day

The strike of stenographers organized in the Turkish Cypriot Public Employees Union (KTAMS) in the Parliament enters its seventh day today. KTAMS President Güven Bengihan stated that stenographers will continue their strike until they achieve results in their just struggle.

Kıbrıs - 11 ay önce

Stenographers' Grievance

The strike of stenographers organized in the Turkish Cypriot Public Employees Union (KTAMS) in the Parliament enters its seventh day today. KTAMS President Güven Bengihan stated that stenographers will continue their strike until they achieve results in their just struggle.

Bengihan criticized Parliament Speaker Zorlu Töre for ignoring the workers' legal demands and unjustly labeling their actions as political. He questioned why the health report is not sent to the Health Board and emphasized the importance of equal treatment under the law.

Although the issue has been brought to the attention of Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, a solution has not been reached yet. Bengihan highlighted the necessity of sending the health report to the Health Board according to the law, and criticized Töre for not acknowledging the incorrectness of the current practice.

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