
Meral Akşener announces she will not be a candidate at the extraordinary congress

Meral Akşener declares that she will not run for the leadership of her party at the extraordinary congress to be held on April 27, emphasizing her commitment to Turkey's needs and principles.

Gündem - 11 ay önce

Akşener's Decision

Meral Akşener, the leader of the İYİ Party in Turkey, announced that she will not be a candidate at the party's upcoming extraordinary congress on April 27. In a written statement, Akşener highlighted that throughout her 30-year political career, she has always prioritized Turkey's needs.

Commitment to Principles

Emphasizing that she takes responsibility for her decisions and actions, Akşener expressed that she has always paid the necessary prices without expecting anything from others and has no regrets. She mentioned that the party has chosen to participate in the 2024 Local Elections independently to offer a new alternative to the polarized political landscape in Turkey.

Accepting the Consequences

Akşener acknowledged the challenges and potential negative outcomes of their decision, stating that she is prepared to accept the consequences. She concluded by affirming her dedication to the well-being of the country and announced that she will not run for party leadership at the extraordinary congress.

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