
Millions of Turkish Voters to Choose Local Officials in General Elections

Approximately 61 million voters in Turkey will head to the polls on Sunday to elect their local officials for a 5-year term. The High Election Board (YSK) has set the schedule for the upcoming Local Authorities General Elections on March 31st, with campaign restrictions and election bans in place.

Gündem - 10 ay önce

Voting Day Approaches in Turkey

Turkey's approximately 61 million voters are gearing up to elect their local officials for a 5-year term this Sunday. The High Election Board (YSK) has announced the schedule for the upcoming Local Authorities General Elections on March 31st, with campaign restrictions in place.

According to the schedule, the campaign freedom that started on March 21st will end tomorrow at 18:00, while the election bans that began on the same date will conclude on March 31st at 23:59. With 61,441,882 registered voters in the election, 1,032,610 young people will cast their vote for the first time.

A total of 34 political parties' candidates will compete in the elections, with over 206,000 polling stations set up nationwide. The election will determine 81 provincial, 973 district, and 390 municipal mayors, along with 50,336 village heads, as well as provincial council and municipal council members.

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