General Assembly and Election of Onur Olguner
The Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Architects, affiliated with the Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects Union, held its 55th General Assembly yesterday. Onur Olguner was elected president by a majority vote during the Assembly.
The General Assembly, held at the International Cyprus University Çevik Uraz Conference Hall, began with Mehmet Akanyeti as the chairman of the board and Ümran Duman and Pınar Uluçay as secretaries.
During the General Assembly, activity and financial reports were read and approved. Following this, the elections were held, determining the President, Board of Directors, and Supervisory Board members as follows:
President: Onur OlgunerBoard of Directors: Cemal Aktunç, Burak Türksoy, Mustafa Dinsev, Safiye ÖzaltınerBoard of Directors (alternate members): Cem Toksoy, Nezire Özgece, Nesil Afşin, İpek Yaralıoğlu, Doğa ÜzümcüoğluSupervisory Board: Özlem Olgaç Türker, Safiye İnce