
Positive Outlook for Güzelyurt: Developments and Projects on the Horizon

Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, Secretary General of UBP, highlights the importance of recent developments in Güzelyurt and the positive impact of projects such as the Güzelyurt Hospital and Cyprfurex depot construction on the economy of the TRNC.

Kıbrıs - 11 ay önce

Positive Developments in Güzelyurt

Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, Genel Sekreter of UBP, spoke to BRT about the significance of Yılmaz's presence in Güzeyurt on a blessed night, emphasizing the importance of upcoming good news for Güzelyurt. He highlighted the Güzelyurt Hospital, the transfer of water to Güzelyurt plain, and the construction of a new depot by Cyprfurex as projects that will significantly boost the economic strength of the TRNC.

Hasipoğlu expressed that the contribution of Mr. Yılmaz to these projects by coming to our country is very valuable. He also noted that the economic and financial joint projects presented by Cevdet Yılmaz and Ünal Üstel will continue to contribute to the development of TC-TRNC relations in the near future.

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