
Ünal Üstel celebrates World Theatre Day with an important announcement

Ünal Üstel, the Prime Minister, shares a message on the occasion of World Theatre Day, revealing exciting news for theatre artists and enthusiasts. He announces the upcoming auction in April for the restoration project of the Cyprus Turkish State Theatres building.

Gündem - 11 ay önce

Ünal Üstel's Message on World Theatre Day

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel released a message on the occasion of World Theatre Day, delivering great news to both theatre artists and art lovers. He revealed that the project to restore the Cyprus Turkish State Theatres building, which was destroyed 25 years ago, has had its funds blocked by the Ministry of Finance, but an auction will be held in April.

Commitment to Culture and Art

In his message, Üstel emphasized the importance of theatre as one of the oldest art forms that helps societies understand their past, present, and future. He stated that it plays a significant role in cultural interactions and the development of communities. The government is fully aware of its responsibilities to preserve and promote the culture and art of the Turkish Cypriots for future generations.

Reviving Theatre in Cyprus

The Prime Minister highlighted the government's efforts to end the 25-year wait for the restoration of the State Theatres building, providing a new home for the Cyprus Turkish State Theatres. This means that theatre artists will no longer have to perform on borrowed stages but can return to their own. Üstel congratulated all those who have contributed to the Cyprus Turkish theatre and extended his best wishes on World Theatre Day.

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